Monday, November 22, 2010

It's Official - The vaccine has been approved to cross the border!!!!

First thing this morning we received an email from Jessica at the Ohlfest Brain Tumor Lab confirming that the vaccine has been granted full approval to enter Canada!  She will be packing it on dry ice and shipping it on Wednesday.  It should safely at Dr. Ewing's office by late afternoon on Thursday and Rilley has his appointment booked for 5:20pm.  Now that all the paperwork as been filled and rubber-stamped the vaccine will be shipping every two weeks for four more shipments.  The sixth and final vaccine will be administered during our three month return visit to Dr. Pluhar at the University of Minnesota.

Dr. John Ohlfest (centre) and his team at the Ohlfest Brain Tumor Lab.
The creators of Rilley's vaccine.
Another important development happened today as well.  Sara took Rilley to see one of his local Neurologists, Dr. Fiona James, for a follow up visit.  Dr. James is the one who had the originally diagnosed Rilley's meningioma tumour on September 10.  She ran a complete neurological exam and gave Rilley a perfect bill of health...well, almost.  It seems our dearest Rilley has another problem.  His girth!  He has managed to eat his way up to 50 pounds!  Sure, we can blame the medications.  Some of them have been known to increase a dog's appetite exponentially, but he is a Beagle after all...gluttony is one of his biggest attributes.  As for the neuro exam, he passed that with flying colours!  Dr. James even said that if it wasn't for the bald head and massive scar, no one would know that he had ever had a tumour.

The Mississauga-Oakville Veterinary Emergency Hospital.
The offices of Rilley's Neurologists, Drs. James and Duque, and Oncologist, Dr. Gauthier.

Over all this has been a great news day for Rilley!

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